It becomes very
difficult to understand why your friends and people you have been with for a
very long time can draw better than you no matter how much you try to. This
difference between you and them originates from just a simple thing, it is the
mode of thinking that is put to use at the time of drawing.
Drawing should
be enjoyable just like any of your other favorite things you like doing. When
you are having fun, keeping track of time isn’t easy; this is the same way
drawing should be. The two modes of human thinking are; the symbol logical mode
and the visual artistic mode, the latter mode is what comes into use when
drawing. The logical part is incapable of drawing it acts as a critic to the
visual artistic part of the brain “No! This art does not look like the fingers
I am drawing”, it tries to put in the symbol mode, while the artistic mode
looks at the world in terms of lines, shapes colors. In this form you will be
able to draw better.
Drawing as an
art requires more than just your tools but also part of your brain which is the
visual artistic mode of thinking. For a starter, it is recommended that you use
a pencil for drawing, a pen uses ink which won’t be easy to erase when you make
a drawing error. To be honest, when you erase a pen marking on a paper the
texture of the paper changes, it chews up. Pen marks on the same point becomes
blurred, the sharp artistic quality of drawing is lost. Not every kind of
pencil will make good drawings too, grade two academic pencils aren’t the best
here either.
What kind of
pencils do you need? For easy drawing you do not need a very hard pencil to
sharpen and modify, the pencil should give you the capacity to tune it to the
level you want. The pencil in this category normally used is written with a
simple H, it is not a very hard pencil. The other thing you look at in a pencil
is its color, it should not be too black neither should it be much lighter
therefore, the pencil of choice is written with a simple B. For a starter the
pencil for drawing will be the middle road pencil known as a HB pencil but can
also be called the No. 2 pencil.
With the right
pencil now it is time to get a little comfortable. You may need to middy your
table, office or area of work; this could be your computer desk. If possible,
get a large clip board form an art supply store, a tape and a paper can do
equally better just fix the paper on the board using the tape. You can set the
board on your lap in such a way that it gives you a humble space and a nice
angled surface for drawing.
You can use a
print paper for drawing, where possible a typing paper of 8.5x11 inches can do
The pink
erasers are more preferably used; they could come in many different types,
shapes& sizes and can be fitted to the rare end of your pencil.
For a beginner,
a ruler is necessary though it will not be used that often, only when drawing
regular shaped objects so don’t worry too much about this aspect.
You will also
require an empty picture frame, although it makes no sense to you now. Get a
plastic 5x7 inch picture frame from a Wal-Mart; a glass one will not give you
the best results here. Pick a number of non-permanent markers as well as a few
permanent black markers. While at home get the plastic out of the frame and to
create for equal divisions use a permanent marker, then put it back into the
frame. Ensure that it is held back by the staples, the backing should not be
put back all that is required at this stage is the plastic and the frame. The
frame will assist you to compose objects by allowing you to see dimensionally.
We are going to
draw art but what is it? This is human thoughts and expressions. A message can
be passed out in a form of drawing it is not necessary that one has to pass it
through spoken word.
Drawing is not
limited to a language barrier it goes beyond portraying the depth of the
message and can be very simple for anyone to interpret.
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